Dashes & Squares

Squares? Ready. Dashes? Ready. Random level generation? Ready.

Be prepared to what is coming.

Dash into your enemies in a round based game where the level generates randomly every 10 rounds, where the difficulty and the enemies gradually increases.

The enemy will get better, why not play with the same coin? Increase the dash time, reduce the cooldown, be faster, stronger, tougher, more resistant and get items to be better than them!

Download new skins, map pieces and new songs or create them yourself with the mod support that Dashes & Squares offers to you! With cross-platform modding thanks to mod.io, you can download mods everywhere!



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© 2024 moonna studios. All rights reserved.Includes art made by Abbarpelco (@abbarpelco on Instagram)Uses music by Artificial.Music shared under a CC BY 3.0 licenseUses music by Foshwave shared with a CC BY 3.0 licensemod.io is a registered trademark or trademark of mod.io Pty LtdSteam and the Steam logo are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Valve Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries.